Becoming Raw - 5 Easy Ways To Add More Raw Food Into Your Diet!

Dr Ann Wigmore(1909-1994), was an early pioneer in popularizing the usage of Wheatgrass as a health and wellbeing supplement. Dr Ann Wigmore founded the 'Hippocrates Institute, Boston, USA in 1963' and when she was very ill looked at nature to heal her, she completed extensive research and experiments to explore the therapeutic value of Wheatgrass after seeing how it helped her recover from Gangrene, after a serious leg injury. She travelled extensively and lectured in over 35 countries demonstrating the value of wheatgrass to the general wellbeing of athletes and the public alike.

Vegetables Fresh vegetables especially green ones WheatGrass Powder contain a range of energizing B vitamins iron and magnesium. The best of these are: broccoli, spinach, and asparagus.

Wheatgrass is the young leaf of the wheat plant, before it matures into a grain. It is classed as a vegetable and is packed full of sunlight energy and chlorophyll - the wonderfully nourishing enzyme that gives plants their dark green colour.

Green superfoods also help your body cleanse. These are usually found in juice or powder form. Some examples are kelp, chlorella, chlorophyl, barley grass and wheatgrass juice.

People who know me often wonder what I'm drinking. I'm a big fan of green drinks; that is a powder made from wheatgrass, alfalfa, spinach, spirulina and chlorella. These all create an alkalizing effect in the body, as well as providing other benefits, while being easily absorbed into the bloodstream (the chemical structures of chlorophyll from plants and haemoglobin in our blood are almost identical.) I found this replaced coffee for me, with the added benefit that I can have a couple of bottles of green drink and feel energized all day, rather than being on the energy roller-coaster created by caffeine dependency. I like Amazing Grass or Green Vibrance. Try one of them for 30 days and I guarantee you'll feel more like your old self in terms of energy level.

PH is a measure of how acid or alkaline a solution is. The scale runs from 0 to 14 (0 is most acidic, 14 most alkali) with pure water being neutral at 7. Our bodies are mostly water, but **important fact alert** the body's pH is typically between 7.2 and 7.8, which means we are supposed to have a slight bias towards alkalinity.

2009: Bio-technology has progressed so that wheatgrass can be grown aeroponically in a pure environment. No more fungus or bacteria from soil is transferred read more to the plant. Under these conditions the whole plant is used for greater nutrition, dehydrated using a cold-drying process, and packaged as powder in a single serving sachet.

The chlorophyll it contains is highly energizing. What is even more impressive is that the molecule in wheatgrass practically mimics blood hemoglobin. It can actually increase the red blood cell count and the capacity of blood to deliver oxygen to cells. It has an alkalizing effect on the body which helps to balance acids and inflammation. When these vital balances are created in our system, we are more able to thwart off chronic disease and degenerative illness. Wheatgrass can even work to normalize blood pressure and promote increased metabolism.

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